Mac’s 35th, iPad & Getting Work Done

Friday, January 25, was the 35th anniversary of the Apple Macintosh computer. It’s hard to believe it’s been that long. I was in college at the time, and one of my professors bought a Mac and brought it to class. We were all amazed at what a graphical user interface looked like and at what this little computer could do. It was so different from the Apple II computers we were using then. I know it’s an over-used term, but it seemed like magic at the time. I was enthralled and wanted one so badly, but didn’t have the money. I had had “the bug” for computers since a high school trip to the local college, where I got to play around on a mainframe. Seeing the Mac and how different it was cemented my interest in computers. It would be many, many years before I was able to own my own Mac, but these early experiences led to my career in the software industry.

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Blog Addresses, Oh My

When I decided to start blogging again I also decided to move from my self-hosted blog site to As you may have read elsewhere on this blog, I’m tired of futzing around with all the techie stuff, and am working hard to have a simpler tech life. To that end, I figured moving to a managed site would be better. And it is! I really like what offers and how it works. No more manual updates, no more wondering why my site is so slow or not working at all. That’s all good. But…

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